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The informal recycling scene: challenges and opportunities posed for sustainability.

The Informal recycling industry: The informal recycling industry poses several hazards and challenges, it also is relatively unregulated and thus results in various issues, challenges, opportunities as well: Export to third world or poorer less developed countries/locations:Among the widely reported burdens are export en masse of E-waste to third world or poorer, less developed countries/locations.…

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Green electronics & biodegradable materials: Shaping the future of E-waste for sustainability

Green electronics: More than just an end product but a design and life cycle of goods philosophy. Enterprise recycling: Green electronics are not just an end product, rather the term encompasses a singular component within the entire spectrum of electronics. In general, green electronics possess but are not limited to the following features: -   …

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Economic positives and challenges for the consumer durable industry.

Introduction :  The consumer durable industry in India has embarked on a captivating journey that is shaped by macroeconomic factors which illuminate both growth opportunities and challenges. The Consumer Durable industry market is expected to grow $25 billion in 2022 to $50 billion in 2025, implying an impressive upward trajectory. Now this data not…

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