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Green electronics & biodegradable materials: Shaping the future of E-waste for sustainability

Green electronics: More than just an end product but a design and life cycle of goods philosophy.

Enterprise recycling: Green electronics are not just an end product, rather the term encompasses a singular component within the entire spectrum of electronics.

In general, green electronics possess but are not limited to the following features:

–        Do not contain toxic metals.

–        Are constructed with recyclable components.

–        Are manufactured in part with processes that aim to limit the environmental impact and carbon footprint.

–  Are constructed with biodegradable and organic components/materials. This enables flexibility, improves safety, and is compatible with an increased range of applications and operating settings. The bioelectronics technology demonstrators are also increasingly efficient in terms of power consumption, requiring significantly less power. 

E-waste management companies in India: Green electronics refer to electronic architectures and electronic components, hardware that are fundamentally designed keeping in mind themes of sustainability. Typically, the effort around green electronics requires concerted efforts aiming themselves at effecting changes and transformations that for green electronics are that the entire life cycle of green electronic hardware components, and systems, should be aimed for sustainability. 

Green electronics are electronics designed As most individuals  within recycling and sustainability can encounter the same issues, E-waste poses a significant challenge for humanity and the environment. Green electronics are emerging as a solution that can prove effective and provide significant reductions.

E-waste generally results in socially suboptimal outcomes and vast amounts of externalities generated.  E-waste in the current times ends up in vast landfills or is informally dealt with, usually with populations and workers living inside the margins of society. 

Consumers may think a lot about where products come from, where we buy them, but not often too deeply on where the products that we dispose of go and the impact it has on the ecosystems, environments and populations that are on the receiving end of the end of life of consumer goods and electronics. 

Issues with traditional electronics (non-green):

Precious metal scrap processors: Regular traditional electronics contain chemicals that result in health issues and are also fatal/damaging to an individuals health and well-being, medically. Electronic components consist of nearly a thousand materials and chemicals.

Metal waste disposal: Green electronics refer to electronic architectures and electronic components, hardware that are fundamentally designed keeping in mind themes of sustainability. Typically the effort around green electronics requires concerted efforts aiming themselves at effecting changes and transformations that for green electronics are that the entire life cycle of green electronic hardware components, and systems, should be aimed for sustainability.

Green electronics thus are an emerging and researched field, one that is not necessarily fully established.

Biodegradable materials:The use of biodegradable materials enables electronics to break down naturally over time. Organic, flexible and biodegradable electronics. The applications are vast and offer improvements in medical health and medical technology as well.
Green engineering:Green engineering refers to the engineering design, philosophy and applications of green principles in the overall engineering life cycle and activity. 
Medical health and medical technology:Organic materials are also widely applicable to medical health/technology, in that they enable the creation of biocompatible devices, with medical applications.

Chemicals in electronics, computers and mobile phones consist of several thousands of different substances. There are various hazardous substances in electronic products. Heavy metals, halogenated compounds are found in electronics. Electronic products also consist of valuable metals such as gold, copper that are economically viable for recyclers to extract, and the use of green electronics provides valuable improvements in domestic appliance recycling.


Green electronics utilise biodegradable materials for various applications, aiding sustainability, reducing E-waste specifically composition of metals in E-waste.